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Prado Museum tickets

Please choose a day for your entry
Open for 10:00 h a 20:00 h

Choose the time for your visit


Choose the hour


Mornings are busier

The grey number indicates the availability.


We recommend going on the afternoon

Visit hour:

Choose entries

  • General
    15,00 €
    - 0 +
    Collection. Does not include temporary exhibitions with capacity control. Access to the Museum without going to the ticket office.
  • General + Guide Book
    24,00 €
    - +
    Collection. It does not include temporary exhibitions with capacity control. Access the Museum without going through the ticket office. Show the ticket at the museum shop to pick your copy of The Prado Guide (478 pp.).
  • Reduced
    7,50 €
    - +
    Over 65 years old, youth card holders and large family members. Collection. It does not include temporary exhibitions with capacity control. Credentials must be shown by the beneficiary of the price reduction at the ticket office on the day of the visit.
  • Paseo del Arte Pass
    32,00 €
    - 0 +
    This ticket allows one visit to each of the three museums (Museo del Prado, Museo Reina Sofía and Museo Thyssen Bornemisza) for one year from the date of purchase. Collection. For visiting the temporary exhibitions with capacity control, please check availability at the ticket office on the day of your visit (bound to availability).

No refunds are allowed

Check the Price Resolution.